Introducing Mom As Educator

Welcome to Mom As Educator, where you will learn to become your child’s best teacher.

parent and child holding handsAs a parent, you have three primary jobs:
1) Keep your children safe.
2) Ensure your children’s health and well-being.
3) Teach your children about the world.

The Mom As Educator website focuses on number three: helping parents teach their children about the world. As a parent or primary caregiver, you are your child’s first and primary teacher. And since you know your child’s personality, strengths, challenges, and moods better than anyone else, you are well-equipped to become your child’s BEST teacher.

Being your child’s best teacher is both difficult and rewarding. Consider some of the qualities that make a great teacher:

+ Understanding a variety of subjects
+ Knowing where to find new information and answers to questions
+ Recognizing specifics and the big picture

+ Enthusiasm and positive attitude
+ Strong desire to help others learn

Great Communication Skills
+ Using a tone that welcomes questions and dialogue
+ Ability to break down complex concepts into manageable parts

Understanding How to Teach
+ Adapting instruction for the child and context
+ Motivating children to learn
+ Challenging children to work hard and think critically
+ Using effective strategies that fit the situation
+ Ability to put learning into context

Willingness to Adapt and Learn
+ Reflecting on what has and hasn’t worked
+ Adapting and taking risks with new approaches
+ Patience in dealing with frustration

Are you ready to be all of these things for your children? Mom As Educator is always here to help! You’ll find loads of great ideas, strategies, and approaches for facilitating meaningful teaching and learning opportunities in your family.