
As a parent, you are your child’s first and primary teacher! And since you know your child’s personality, strengths, challenges, and moods better than anyone else, you are well-equipped to become your child’s BEST teacher. Here at Mom as Educator you’ll find loads of great ideas, strategies, and approaches for facilitating meaningful learning opportunities in your family.

Who I Am

I’m Connie Bossert, a work-from-home mom of two girls, whom I will refer to as Kid1 and Kid2. Before I became a mom, I earned a doctoral degree in Educational Psychology from Penn State University and taught college courses to pre-service teachers. Now I pack lunch boxes, do laundry, and help with science fair projects.

I am also the CEO of Fairlady Media. My husband James and I co-founded the company in 2009. Our company develops family-friendly and educational kids’ games for the Apple App Store.

It has always been important to me to be involved with the community. I am a former MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) member, and served as the group coordinator for two years. I have also served as Vice President of Programs at my kids’ school PTA, overseeing the Reflections Arts Program, Cultural Arts, and the school Science Fair. I love helping out with the performing arts programs as well. 🙂

What I Write About

When I was in college I learned “what the experts say” about child psychology and parenting. However, none of that adequately prepared me for being a mom! In the very real and tangible experience of motherhood, there are many new lessons to be learned. I am learning to apply those “expert” ideas I learned in college to situations that range from ridiculous to profound. I’d like to discuss and share those lessons and my journey with you. I write about education, parenting, household, family, technology, and wellness.

My Guiding Principle

I have learned so much in my experiences in college and graduate school, as a faculty member teaching pre-service teachers, as a mother, as a developer of children’s software, and as an active participant in my children’s school. Through these experiences, I have come to believe in one guiding principle that drives what I do professionally and in my interactions with my kids. I believe that:

The best way to teach children is to enrich their lives.

This principle has become a theme for my writings about children, family, and teaching. I believe that by enriching children’s lives, we can simultaneously motivate and challenge them to learn about the world and become better citizens.

Try Again Tuesdays

Well, the dang PhD doesn’t prevent me from making mom-blunders. On Tuesdays, I will talk about mess-ups and head-scratchers so that you can offer suggestions (and encouragement?) when I wish I had a do-over!

And as for YOU…

I hope you’ll find something here that can help you on your journey. Remember this: You know your kids best, so you are their best educator. Please comment on my posts; I’d love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and ideas so we can all learn from each other.

Thank you to my wonderful readers for your time, feedback, comments, and encouragement!